A downloadable game

My fanfaction for RootJam 2024!

With Beaver.app, Tinker is spearheading the Woodland into the digital age.

All steps in your day are APPtions that are maintained by your beavelopers (beaver developers). The more beavelopers you have on an APPtion, the better it gets.

You start with an app that does every single key actions, but your team is spread thin: only 1 beaveloper per feature. As a consequence, individual APPtions are #notverygood. You have the ability to deprioritize APPtions to make its beaveloppers work on other APPtions, thus empowering them. However, once an APPtion has been abandonned, there is no restarting it.
In other words, you sacrifice actions to empower other actions.

But if you anticipate other players’ needs, they might sign up to use your APPtions. When another player wins, you score points depending on how many times the winner signed up. There is, however, a non zero chance of not scoring any point. Maybe you would rather dedicate your beavelopers to building  Vanity Offices and hyping up your investors so that you win by yourself.


PnP.pdf 1.7 MB
beaver.app_board.png 1 MB
beaver.app_back.png 431 kB
beaver.app_law.pdf 74 kB
beaver.app_components.pdf 72 kB

Install instructions


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(1 edit)

I love this concept!  "Sbeve Jobs" Brilliant